A big thank you to everybody over at PSL for choosing me to become a logger as I have ran a few Cycles before but nothing crazy as of right now sticking to a medication I've used before and for a time length I have used before this will be a 16-week cycle
Height 6'3
Starting weight 225 lb
Body fat percent I have no fucking clue
My personal goal here is to pack on 10 to 15 lb of clean muscle
As for training I will be following a regimen of push pull legs and on rest days incorporating light cardio
Calories looking at about 3500 a day
The cycle week 1-16
500mg a week of testosterone cypionate
300 mg of Deca a week
Week 10-16
GW-0742 starting at 10mg a day and see what my body thinks of it
MK-677 20mg a day to also think of what my body thinks of it
I have also been running psl peptide
Cjc-1295 with dac at 1000mcg a week
And I'm thinking about incorporating the mk677 in with the CJC from good things I have been reading about it if any of the Orioles get started early it will probably be the mk677
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